Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $75,000)
The Delaware Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) requests funds to use existing access and relationships to merge criminal history arrest data, and data from the Department of Correction and Courts. It is anticipated that this project will create a new database for the SAC, and visual tools that can be used by partner agencies to find more accurate and comprehensive information regarding Violations of Probations (VOP) and provide more informed decision making in the State of Delaware. Core capacity-building project (Area B, C, and D) will: (Phase 1) (B) Conduct assessment of VOP data available through various state criminal justice entities. Meet with agencies to develop a plan for sharing VOP data in a more robust way. SAC already has working relationships and access to some data but wants to determine the possibility of integrating systems and/or mining the data in mass downloads versus one-to-one lookups. Lastly, evaluating the feasibility of a long-term structural system change to various data systems to provide timely and comprehensive violation data. (Phase 2) (C & D) SAC will create a database using available VOP data to provide more complete answers regarding the violation processing and outcomes. This project will include, but not limited to, persons receiving prison terms or detention for VOPs along with types of VOPs (technical vs new crime). (Phase 3) (B) Present findings of system and VOP analysis to criminal justice agencies in Delaware and provide recommendations for system changes to enable more efficient analyses. Our goal is to create interactive visualization of this data using the Microsoft PowerBI software, allowing for easily updated interactive data access in a user-friendly package. With this increased capacity, the SAC will be able to provide ongoing analyses for legislative and state initiatives.