Victims of crime
FY 2023 Access to Justice Design and Testing Program
Criminal Victimization in the 22 Largest U.S. States, 2017–2019
Victim Service Providers in U.S. Counties, 2017
FY 2022 Maryland State Justice Statistics Program
FY 2022 Virginia SJS Program
University of Maryland NCVS Research Forum Session 3: NCVS User Workshop
University of Maryland NCVS Research Forum Session 2: NCVS Research Highlights
University of Maryland NCVS Research Forum Session 1: NCVS Roundtable Discussion
In Session 1 of the UMD NCVS Research Forum, researchers with expertise related to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) are invited to participate in a moderated discussion on topics relevant to the NCVS including how the NCVS can be used to illuminate the problems of crime and victimization, ways to use the survey, and advice to scholars interested in using the NCVS for their research.
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