Suicide and Homicide in State Prisons and Local Jails
Jails and Jail Inmates, 1993-94
Jail Inmates at Midyear 2007
Jail Inmates at Midyear 2008 - Statistical Tables
Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1996
Prison and Jail Inmates, 1995
Drug Use, Testing, and Treatment in Local Jails
Jails and Jail Inmates, 1993-94: Census of Jails and Survey of Jails
THE NATION'S JAILS HOLD RECORD 490,442 INMATES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 5 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1995 202-307-0784 THE NATION'S JAILS HOLD RECORD 490,442 INMATES WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The nation's local jails held a record 490,442 men and women as of last June 30, the Department of Justice announced today. During the 12 months preceding June 30, 1994, the...
Prison and Jail Inmates, 1995
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 5 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1996 202/633-3047 Almost 1.6 milllion men and women in the Nation's Prisons and Jails WASHINGTON, D.C. -- There were almost 1.6 million men and women in the nation's jails and prisons last year, an increase of 66,843 in state prisons and 5,216 in federal prisons from 1994, the Department of...
Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1996
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EST BJS SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1997 202/633-3047 NATION'S JAIL AND PRISON INCARCERATION RATE ALMOST DOUBLED DURING LAST DECADE WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The incarceration rate in the nation's federal and state prisons and local jails almost doubled during the last decade, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today. However, this growth recently slowed...
Profile of Jail Inmates, 1996
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY APRIL 26, 1998 202/307-0784 HIGH LEVELS OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG DEPENDENCE COMMON AMONG NATION'S JAIL INMATES WASHINGTON, D.C. -- There are high levels of drug and alcohol dependence among the nation's jail inmates, according to a Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) survey of men and women in local jails between October 1995...
DWI Offenders under Correctional Supervision
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1999 202/307-0784 MORE THAN 500,000 DRUNK DRIVERS ON PROBATION OR INCARCERATED IN 1997 WASHINGTON, D.C. An estimated 513,200 people were under correctional supervision as a consequence of driving while intoxicated by alcohol (DWI) in 1997 up from 270,100 in 1986, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today...
Mental Health and Treatment of Inmates and Probationers
ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1999 202/307-0784 MORE THAN A QUARTER MILLION PRISON AND JAIL INMATES ARE IDENTIFIED AS MENTALLY ILL WASHINGTON, D.C. An estimated 283,800 mentally ill offenders were held in the nation's state and federal prisons and local jails at midyear 1998, according to a special report released today by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics...
Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1998
Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1998 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EST BJS SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1999 202/307-0784 INCARCERATION RATE MORE THAN DOUBLES IN DOZEN YEARS WASHINGTON, D.C.--At midyear 1998, one in every 150 U.S. residents was incarcerated, with an estimated 1,802,496 men and women held in the country's prisons and jails, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics...
Drug Use, Testing, and Treatment in Jails
ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2000 202/307-0784 MOST JAILS THAT TEST FOR DRUGS FIND AT LEAST ONE INMATE WHO TESTS POSITIVE WASHINGTON, D.C. -- An estimated 10 percent of the inmates tested for drugs in local jails during June 1998 tested positive for one or more illegal drugs, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics announced today. More than...
Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1999
ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2000 202/307-0784 NATION'S PRISON AND JAIL POPULATION REACHES 1,860,520 COULD REACH TWO MILLION BY LATE 2001 WASHINGTON, D.C. The nation's prisons and jails held 1,860,520 inmates at midyear 1999, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today. That was an increase of 58,333 from a year earlier, or 1,122 more inmates each...
Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ)
Conducted periodically, the survey provides information on individual characteristics of jail inmates, current offenses and detention status, characteristics of victims, criminal histories, family background, gun possession and use, prior drug and alcohol use and treatment, medical and mental health history and treatment, vocational programs and other services provided while in jails, as well as other personal characteristics. Data are collected through personal interviews with a...
Profile of Jail Inmates, 2002
ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT | Bureau of Justice Statistics |
SUNDAY, July 18, 2004 | Contact: Stu Smith 202/307-0784 |
After hours: 301-983-9354 |
WASHINGTON, D.C. - More than half of the nation's 665,475 local jail inmates as of June 30, 2002, were on probation, parole or pre-trial release at the time...
Census of Jails (COJ)
The 2019 Census of Jails (COJ) is part of a series of data collections that studies the nation's local jails and the 12 Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) detention facilities that function as jails. The 2019 COJ collected data necessary for producing estimates on local jail populations, including one-day custody counts by sex, race and Hispanic origin, conviction status, and severity of offense (felony and...