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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Appellate courts

Court Statistics Project (CSP)

The Court Statistics Project (CSP) provides a systematic means to develop a valid, uniform, and complete statistical database that details the operation of state court systems. It provides high-quality, baseline information on state court structure, jurisdiction, reporting practices, and caseload volume and trends. Effective management and planning at the local, state, and national levels depend on accurate, consistent, and comparable information to assess the business...

Census of State Court Organization

This collection serves as the primary source for detailed information on the structure and framework of state courts. The series collects information on the overall number of courts and judges in the nation's state courts; the selection and service requirements of judges; the governance, funding and administration of the judicial branch; the jurisdiction, staffing, and procedures associated with the nation's appellate courts; the administration, procedures...

Appeals from General Civil Trials in 46 Large Counties, 2001-2005

ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT Bureau of Justice Statistics
THURSDAY, July 6, 2006 www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs
  Contact: Sheila Jerusalem


WASHINGTON - From 2001 through April 2005 about 15 percent of general civil trials concluded in 46 large counties in the United States were appealed after trial verdict or...

BJS FY 09 Court Statistics Projects

Closing Date
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking proposals to develop, design, and field test the Survey of State Court Criminal Appeals and to prepare an implementation plan for fielding the survey in 2009. The goal of the survey is to obtain information about the types of criminal cases appealed from state trial courts to state intermediate appellate courts and/or courts of last resort, the...

BJS FY 09 State Court Organization

Closing Date
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking proposals to develop, design, and field test the Survey of State Court Criminal Appeals and to prepare an implementation plan for fielding the survey in 2009. The goal of the survey is to obtain information about the types of criminal cases appealed from state trial courts to state intermediate appellate courts and/or courts of last resort, the...

BJS FY 08 State Courthouse Operations and Security Statistics Survey: Development and Design Phase

Closing Date
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking proposals to develop, design, and field test the Survey of State Court Criminal Appeals and to prepare an implementation plan for fielding the survey in 2009. The goal of the survey is to obtain information about the types of criminal cases appealed from state trial courts to state intermediate appellate courts and/or courts of last resort, the...

BJS FY 08 2007 Criminal Appeals of State Criminal Cases

Closing Date
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applicants to administer the Survey of State Court Criminal Appeals (SSCCA). BJS awarded funds to design and develop a survey capable of obtaining statistical information on criminal appeals in state intermediate appellate courts and courts of last resort in 2008. The purpose of this award is to provide funding to finalize the sampling design and survey development...