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Expired Funding Opportunities


This page presents expired funding opportunities from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Use the search filters below to find specific solicitations. Select a solicitation title to see details about the solicitation along with any resulting awards.

National Prisoner Statistics Program (NPS) and the National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP), 2015-2019

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) seeks a data collection and analysis agent for the National Prisoner Statistics program (NPS) and the National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP) for the data years 2015 through 2019. This marks the first time the two programs will be competed together. The NPS and NCRP are BJS’s flagship data collections measuring the size and composition of state and federal prison populations on an annual basis.

Survey of Juveniles Charged in Adult Criminal Courts, SJCACC

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The SJCACC is BJS's first effort to understand how person under the age of 18 are processed through adult criminal courts. The characteristic of this unique population may provide special challenges and different outcomes compared to adult criminal defendants. No other data collection has provided the comprehensive information sought by this program.

BJS FY 15 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

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The Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (CSLLEA) generates an enumeration of all publically funded law enforcement agencies operating in the United States. For the purposes of the CSLLEA, a “law enforcement agency” is a publically-funded government entity responsible for enforcing laws, maintaining public order, and promoting public safety. To be within scope of the CSLLEA, a law enforcement agency must employ the equivalent of one full-time sworn personnel with general arrest powers.

BJS FY 15 National Survey of Victim Service Organizations

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Prior to the 1980s, crime control policy paid very little attention to victims of crime. This changed dramatically in the 1980s with the creation of the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and other efforts to make victims whole and to take their suffering into account in criminal justice policy and practice. OVC funds a broad array of services for victims of crime, including compensation. In the 1990s, OVC was joined by the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) in supporting service provision as well as advocacy for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

BJS FY 15 Law and Justice Statistics Methodological Research Projects (LJSMRP)

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This award will enable Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to better navigate the expansive advances in information technology as well as to improve its operations. Areas being evaluated and reviewed include data archiving methods, statistical methodologies and reporting, data quality profiles for administrative records, use statistical infrastructure to assess the impact of DOJ grant programs, and problems of causal inference and observational research designs.

BJS FY 15 2015 National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) Implementation Assistance Program: Phase 1 Support for State Programs

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The National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) project seeks to build a nationally representative system of incident level records on offenses known to law enforcement agencies. The project will leverage the existing data compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) by recruiting a carefully selected sample of 400 law enforcement agencies to join the more than 6,500 agencies currently reporting data to NIBRS.

BJS FY 15 Analytic Resource Center

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Through the BJS-ARC project, BJS aims to undertake and complete methodological research that will complement its routine collection and reporting of criminal justice system statistics under its Criminal Justice Statistics Program. Through its CJSP, BJS develops and disseminates statistics that describes the operations of the criminal justice system; the attributes of law enforcement, prosecution, judicial, and correctional agencies at the federal, state and local levels; and undertakes special projects to develop new statistical collections and methodologies.

BJS FY 15 Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) Program

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In 1995, BJS began the FIST program to provide national estimates of the total number of purchase applications and denials resulting from the Brady Act and similar state laws. The FIST program collects information on firearm-related background checks conducted by state and local agencies and combines this information with FBI NICS transaction data to calculate national estimates.

BJS FY 15 Pilot Local Jail Reporting Program

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BJS currently collects annual aggregate counts of jail populations through the Annual Survey of Jails (ASJ) (a sample of 891 jurisdictions in 2013), as well as through the Death in Custody Reporting Program summary form (2,872 jurisdictions in 2013) and Jail Census (2,872 jurisdictions in 2013).

BJS FY 15 Law Enforcement Core Statistics Program (LECS)

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Conducted every 3 to 4 years, LEMAS collects data from over 3,000 state and local law enforcement agencies, including all those that employ 100 or more sworn officers and a nationally representative sample of smaller agencies.

BJS FY 15 2014 National Survey of Prosecutors

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The 2010 National Survey of Prosecutors (NSP-10) will collect information from a nationally representative sample of prosecutors’ offices that handle felony cases in state courts of general jurisdiction. Past iterations of the NSP have summarized the number of professionals and support staff employed in prosecutors’ offices, including full- and part-time employees, and the size of the office budget.

BJS FY 15 2015 Visiting Fellows: Criminal Justice Statistics Program

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The overall purpose of this program is to address substantive, methodological, and analytic issues to enhance or inform BJS statistical programs; to support the scholarly use of BJS data collections, expand the body of policy-relevant research that uses these data, in order to further knowledge about and understanding of the operation of the criminal justice system. BJS Visiting Fellows conduct projects that aim to enhance understanding of the operation of the criminal justice system and contribute to improving BJS's statistical programs.

BJS FY 15 2015 Graduate Research Fellowship Program for Criminal Justice Statistics

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications under its Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program. This program provides awards for doctoral research that utilizes criminal justice data or statistics and focuses on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited universities that offer research-based doctoral degrees.

BJS FY 15 Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies

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The proposed Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies will be the first BJS data collection effort targeted solely at tribal law enforcement agencies. This survey will be designed to capture the many attributes of law enforcement agencies that are unique to tribal agencies.

BJS FY 15 Surveys of State Attorney General Offices

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State Attorney General Offices handle major cases in a variety of areas. They handle cases that are important for national policy, that are hard to measure (e.g., white collar crime, mortgage fraud, identity theft, human trafficking, and government corruption) and that not included in any other BJS data system. This program will fill this information gap by establishing an on-going series of targeted surveys of state attorney general offices.

BJS FY 15 Annual Survey of Jails in Indian Country, 2016-2019

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) Annual Survey of Jails in Indian Country (SJIC) includes all known Indian country correctional facilities operated by tribal authorities or the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), U.S. Department of the Interior. The survey describes all adult and juvenile jail facilities and detention centers in Indian country. Indian country includes reservations, pueblos, rancherias, and other appropriate areas (18 U.S.C. § 1151).

FY 2015 National Criminal History Improvement Technical Assistance Program (NCHIP TA)

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Through this solicitation, BJS is seeking a national technical assistance service provider to support the goals and objectives of its National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) and NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP). Direct technical assistance is provided to states, territories, and tribal jurisdictions to insure that records systems are developed and managed to conform to FBI standards, ensure jurisdictions are using the most appropriate technologies, and adhere to the highest standards of practice with respect to privacy and confidentiality.

BJS FY 15 State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers Technical Assistance Program

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is publishing this notice to announce the Technical Assistance Program to support activities under the State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers (SJS-SAC) in fiscal year 2015. The SJS-SAC program is designed to maintain and enhance each state's capacity to coordinate statistical activities in the state, conduct research on relevant criminal justice issues, and serve as a liaison to help BJS gather data from state agencies.

BJS FY 15 National Survey of Tribal Courts Systems (NSTSC-14)

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The NSTCS, in combination with other planned and ongoing data collections, will fulfill BJS’s legislative mandate under the 2010 Tribal Law and Order Act to “establish and implement such tribal data collection systems as the BJS Director determines to be necessary.” 42 U.S.C. § 3732(d)(2).

BJS FY 15 Annual Surveys of Probation and Parole, 2015-2018

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The ASPP are BJS's most frequent and comprehensive source of information about offenders under community supervision, which accounts for the largest segment of the adult correctional population in the United States. At yearend 2013, over 4.75 million adults were on community supervision in the United States, including 3.9 million probationers and over 850,000 parolees. Seven out of 10 persons under correctional supervision in the United States lived in the community in 2012, rather than being incarcerated in a prison or jail.

BJS FY 15 Deaths in Custody Reporting Program and Annual Survey of Jails, 2016-2020

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The Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP) collects data on deaths of inmates who are in the custody of local jails or state prisons. Local jail and state prison data are collected directly from jails and state departments of corrections. The DCRP provides individual-level data on the number of deaths by year, cause of death, and decedent age, race or Hispanic origin, and sex. These data are also used to produce facility and population mortality rates.

BJS FY 15 NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP)

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The NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-180 ("the NIAA") was signed into law on January 8, 2008 in the wake of the April 2007 shooting tragedy at Virginia Tech. The Virginia Tech shooter was able to purchase firearms from a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) because information about his prohibiting mental health history was not available to the NICS, and the system was therefore unable to deny the transfer of the firearms used in the shootings.

BJS FY 15 National Prisoner Statistics Program (NPS) and the National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP), 2015-2019

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) seeks an agent to conduct data collection and related activities for the National Prisoner Statistics program (NPS) and the National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP). This award covers the five collection cycles for reporting years (RY) 2020 through 2024, funded with money from fiscal years (FY) 2020 through 2024. The project period is October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2025. These two programs were first competed together for the RY 2014-2019 award.