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Award Information

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The New Mexico (NM) Tribal Criminal History Record Improvement Program (TCHRIP) Consortium is a tribal collaboration that began with three Pueblos'Acoma, Laguna and Zuni referred to as the Western Pueblo Consortium (WPC). The TCHRIP consortium is now expanding its effort to achieve information sharing and data exchange through the use of web-based and other information technology systems. While participation in the TCHRIP Consortium is open to all the tribes, the these three Pueblos are actively involved in the design and development of their own criminal history record improvement program and are at various stages of sharing information internally and with external tribal, state, and federal agencies. The purpose of the NM TCHRIP is to improve each member Tribe's public safety needs by enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information systems. These systems will enable access to criminal information history for criminal justice and non-criminal justice purposes for background checks by tribal, state, and federal government and non-governmental agencies. This program enhances the capacity of the participating Tribes to exchange information and data internally, with other Indian nations, and to participate in national information systems.

The major capability issue to be addressed under the TCHRIP Phase II is to create a central location for the three Pueblos to send their crime data that would allow them to share information and exchange data. The main purpose of the TCHRIP Phase II is to enable connectivity within each participating Pueblo and with other tribal, state, and federal justice enterprises. This connectivity will further the efforts of each Pueblo to participate in local and national information sharing systems and access and provide crime data and information to national systems such as NCIC, III, and sex offender registries.


Date Created: September 13, 2006