Award Information
The AK Department of Public Safety (DPS) is requesting funding for three Criminal Justice Technicians (CJTs) to continue consolidating duplicate state identification records in the repository that prevent submissions to the Interstate Identification Index (III) and NICS, to conduct research necessary to locate and enter missing dispositions into the state’s criminal history repository, III, and/or NICS, and to continue to analyze and research historical fingerprint cards from the Anchorage Police Department for entry or update in the state criminal history repository and III. Funding is also requested to continue the state’s message switch and criminal history repository replacement project to enable the state to transition from the legacy mainframe system and enter records into III and/or NICS more timely and completely. Funding is requested to assist with phase two of the replacement project which includes implementing secure messaging to allow the state to enter protective orders and warrants into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and continued funding for a technical consultant to provide ongoing assistance and technical expertise needed for the successful continuation of the replacement project. DPS is also requesting funding assistance for a project manager to lead the replacement project efforts, implement project plans to meet objectives, and coordinate, integrate, and monitor project activities and resources to mitigate risk. Due to limited resources, these duties cannot be effectively absorbed by existing staff. The AK Court System (ACS) requests funds for the automation and electronic transmission of accurate and complete court records to the NICS. The ACS electronic systems will make criminal case convictions including domestic violence, protective orders, and mental health records available electronically. Automation of records will dispense with duplicate data entry and reduce delays in reporting, and significantly improve Alaska’s ability to make more timely, complete, and accurate criminal records available for transmission to III and NICS. Tasks include continued implementation of ACS electronic systems statewide, distribution, improvements in data quality and analysis, an interface with prosecutors, and an integrated offense table within the ACS system for validation of charges to improve timely identification of persons disqualified from possessing firearms.