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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

National Judicial Reporting Program (NJRP)

Case Processing

BJS has sponsored periodic data collections on criminal trial and appellate litigation in state courts since 1986. BJS’s current collection is Criminal Cases in State Courts (CCSC), an effort to examine data on the processing of felony cases in state courts of general jurisdiction. The CCSC is collecting information on charges at initial filing and case termination, type of defense counsel, the race and sex...

BJS FY 11 2011 National Judicial Reporting Program

Closing Date
The Bureau of Justice Statistics is seeking proposals to design, develop, and conduct a data collection for the 2011 National Judicial Reporting Program (NJRP). Historically, the NJRP compiled case-level information on the sentences that felons receive in state courts and on demographics of felony offenders. It excluded federal courts and state or local courts that do not adjudicate adult felony cases. NJRP surveys were conducted...

National Judicial Reporting Program (NJRP)

From 1986 to 2006 the National Judicial Reporting Program (NJRP) collected felony sentencing from a nationally representative stratified sample of state courts in 300 counties. The information collected included: age, race and gender of offenders; dates of arrest, conviction and sentencing data; mode of conviction and type of sentence imposed. Data were collected every 2 years during this time period.