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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP)

Federal Justice System

BJS maintains multiple data collections covering various aspects of the federal justice system encompassing law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and corrections. BJS data collections range from censuses of law enforcement and annual deaths in custody to federal case processing statistical information, describing the number of suspects/defendants from arrest to imprisonment.


Federal Law Enforcement Agency Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (FDCRP)

The Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2013 (DCRA) requires the head of each federal law enforcement agency to submit to the U.S. Attorney General, information about the death of any person who is—

  • detained, under arrest, or in the process of being arrested by a federal law enforcement officer (or by a state or local law enforcement officer while participating in a federal law...

FY 2021 Continuation of the Federal Justice Statistics Program

Closing Date
The award recipient will administer the Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) with tasks to collect, standardize, link, analyze, and disseminate comprehensive federal justice transaction statistics and documentation. The FJSP provides comprehensive and detailed information about the federal justice system's processing of criminal cases including arrests, prosecution decisions, referrals to magistrates, court dispositions, sentencing outcomes, sentence length, and time served. Tasks under this award will include...

FY 2018 Continuation of the Federal Justice Statistics Program

Closing Date
The BJS Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) serves as the national clearinghouse of administrative federal criminal case processing data. The FJSP is authorized by statute to collect, analyze, and disseminate comprehensive federal justice transaction statistics and to work jointly with other federal agencies to improve the quality of federal justice data (42 U.S.C. § 3732 (c) (15)). Under this program, administrative data are received from...