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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Community corrections

National Former Prisoner Survey (NFPS)

The National Former Prisoner Survey (NFPS) is part of the BJS National Prison Rape Statistics Program, which gathers mandated data on the incidence and prevalence of sexual assault in correctional facilities under the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA; P.L. 108-79). The Act requires the collection of information from former inmates on any experiences of sexual assault while incarcerated. Data are collected directly from...

Probation and Parole Populations, 1995


SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1996            202/307-0703


     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- There were almost 3.8
million adult men and women on probation or parole
at the end of 1995, an increase of about 119,000
during the year, the Department of Justice
announced today.  The 3.2 percent increase was...

National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP)

The National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP) collects offender-level administrative data annually on prison admissions and releases, and year-end custody populations, and on parole entries and discharges in participating jurisdictions. Demographic information, conviction offenses, sentence length, minimum time to be served, credited jail time, type of admission, type of release, and time served are collected from individual prisoner records. The collection began in 1983 and is...

Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey

Collect administrative data from probation and parole agencies in the United States. Data collected include the total number of adults on state and federal probation and parole on January 1 and December 31 of each year, the number of adults entering and exiting probation and parole supervision each year, and the characteristics of adults under the supervision of probation and parole agencies. Published data include...

2006 Census of State Parole Supervising Agencies

The 2006 Census of State Parole Supervising Agencies collected data from parole supervising organizations about the organizational structure of the agencies, staffing, supervision levels of offenders, and whether the parole agency had a role in considering prisoners for release, setting the conditions of supervision, and conducting parole revocation hearings. This collection was conducted one time in 2006. The census was sent to 68 respondents, including...

1995 Survey of Adults on Probation (SAP)

The 1995 Survey of Adults on Probation obtained for the first time detailed data on the background and characteristics of a nationally representative sample of 2.5 million adults on probation in 1995. Specific topics of information include demographic characteristics, criminal history, prior drug and alcohol use, participation in drug and alcohol treatment programs, use of firearms, victim characteristics, the conditions of supervision, and the extent...