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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

2017 NCS-X NIBRS Estimation Project

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

The National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) program is an effort to expand the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) into a nationally representative system of incident-based crime statistics. BJS and the FBI are implementing NCS-X with the support of other Department of Justice agencies, including the Office for Victims of Crime. The goal of NCS-X is to enroll a sample of 400 scientifically selected law enforcement agencies to submit data to NIBRS; when these 400 new NIBRS-reporting agencies are combined with the more than 6,800 agencies that report NIBRS data to the FBI, the nation will have a nationally representative system of crimes known to law enforcement from which to generate incident- based crime statistics. These incident-based data will draw upon the attributes and circumstances of criminal incidents and allow for more detailed descriptions of crime in the US. The sample-based approach to enrolling new NIBRS reporting agencies will allow the production of national estimates of crime based on incident-based data, while the FBI continues to transition NIBRS to the system to which all LE agencies in the United States submit their UCR data. The sample of 400 agencies has been drawn, including a subset of additional agencies held in reserve to replace agencies that may decline to participate and to accommodate other needs for replacement. Producing national estimates based on the NIBRS data after the 400 NCS-X sample agencies report data requires establishing statistical protocols and procedures for assessing the quality and completeness of the records in the data and estimating for non-reporting agencies. To begin establishing those protocols and procedures, BJS released the NCS-X NIBRS Estimation Project solicitation in July 2017, which sought applications for a two-phase, large-scale data quality, nonresponse, and estimation project. The first phase will include developing and testing statistical procedures that, at a minimum, can assess the quality and completeness of the submitted NIBRS data; developing methods and techniques to adjust for item and unit nonresponse; and developing an estimation procedure to generate national incident-based statistics from the reported data. The second phase will produce a prototype of an automated system that can generate a data resource or set of resources to support the calculation of national estimates of reported crime and arrest based on the NIBRS data.


Note: This project contains a research and/or development component as defined in applicable law.

Date Created: September 24, 2017