Award Information
The goal of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) is to improve the Nation's safety and security by enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information and by insuring the nationwide implementation of criminal justice and non-criminal justice background check systems. BJS provides direct financial and technical assistance to the States to improve criminal history and other related records and to build their infrastructure to connect to national record check systems both to supply information and to conduct the requisite checks.
Under this award, the Delaware Department of Public Safety will use funds to enhance and enable automated reporting of domestic violence misdemeanor convictions. Funds will be used to:
1) capture and flag domestic misdemeanor cases and provide notification to the Department of Justice (DOJ). The notification will also be added to the Delaware Attorney General Case Tracking System so the DOJ can readily identify traditional and non-traditional domestic cases early on in the process;
2) modify the short form domestic violence report which captures incidents that are not fully substantiated to allow it to be changed into a full report for reclassification purposes;
3) report all domestic violence case dispositions to the FBI to reduce the need for manual research; and,
4) replace old equipment used by the State Police Bureau of Identification Unit to update protection orders filed against individuals, domestic violence cases with conditional dispositions, and identify individuals prohibited from purchasing firearms.