Award Information
The Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement (LCLE) in partnership with the Louisiana Sheriff’s Association (LSA), the Louisiana Supreme Court (LSC), the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections (DPS&C), the Louisiana State Police (LSP), and the Louisiana District Attorneys Association (LDAA), coordinates the development and the integration of the state’s various criminal justice information systems. Funds will be used by the LCLE to improve the completeness, automation, and transmittal of filing information, disposition information, mental health adjudications, and protective order information prohibiting a person from purchasing or possessing a firearm, which is provided by trial courts for reporting to NCIC and NICS, the Louisiana Computerized Criminal History (LACCH), and for sharing with the III. Funding will support the following two projects: 1) Implementation of a statewide Disposition Task Force program to research felonies, misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence, mental health adjudication records and court ordered firearm prohibitions that are qualified to but have failed to post or lacked critical data for submission to the LACCH, for sharing with the III, NCIC and NICS databases; and 2) Document and review the practice in all 64 parishes on the current process in each jurisdiction when the first appearance event occurs for a criminal defendant. At this event in a criminal case a judge sets bail/bond and any special conditions for the bond as a result of the arrest of an offense. The focus of the research review will look at what occurs or does not occur if the judge imposes as a condition of release a court ordered firearm prohibition while there is no disposition for the arrest event.