Award Information
The Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) has collaborated with the Missouri Office of Prosecution Services (MOPS) to use funds for the following projects: 1) General Counsel/TARPSOR/Firearms Resource Prosecutor (MOPS) – funds will be used to continue support the position to provide legal and technical assistance on Missouri's prosecutor case management system (Karpel), and criminal history reporting matters. The position will provide support relating to import of criminal history and charge data from Law enforcement and transfer of that data to the courts, reporting the disposition of charges, and accurately recoding and reporting charge code information; 2) IT Specialist (MOPS) – funds will be used to support the position to provide IT support to prosecutor's offices and the Attorney General's Office. The IT Specialist will continue to provide technical assistance to Prosecutors’ Offices with program and equipment maintenance, addressing interface issues with other state partners such as OSCA and Law Enforcement Agencies. The position works with the MOPS Case Management Software provider to address program and technical issues and acts as an intermediary between the local Prosecutors’ Offices and Karpel Solutions. 3) MOPS will also use FY23 NARIP funding for travel to attend conferences.