Award Information
The Oklahoma District Attorneys Council (DAC) proposes to subgrant the funds to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) to complete eight projects that will result in the protection and enhancement of Oklahoma’s criminal history information. OSBI will research and report missing dispositions and identify, flag, and make accessible to the NICS, records of prohibited persons by correlating criminal history information currently unavailable through the Interstate Identification Index. The OSBI will complete the electronic conversion of the state’s fingerprint records and supporting criminal history data to protect them from loss due to degradation, terrorism, and natural disaster. During the conversion, OSBI will also continue to identify misfiled documents, allowing for reinstatement of previously removed records from the state repository. OSBI will ensure enhancement of the quality and quantity of criminal arrest outcomes by improving OSBI’s online disposition portal; training and auditing contributors to OSBI’s repository; increasing the amount of disposition information received and improving timeliness by directly interfacing with agencies across the state; and conducting multi-agency criminal justice reviews. Finishing CCH enhancements will ensure the OSBI can submit and update data at the federal level as required by the FBI and significantly improve the workflow in CCH to allow records to be updated more quickly. Finally, agency employees will be informed of trends in criminal history reporting and developed to successfully update records, so they are complete, accurate, and timely.