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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

FY 2023 National Criminal History Improvement Program

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

The Virginia State Police (VSP) will use funds for the following projects: Project 1:  CRIS Business Analyst Project. Under the CRIS Business Analyst project, VSP will support a Business Analyst to collect, document, refine and provide business requirements related to the Criminal and Rap Back Information System that will replace the current Java based CCH. In addition, VSP will consult with SEARCH, The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics, on Rap Back system testing and training. Efforts under this project will provide an enhanced and stable criminal history reporting system. Project 2:  Research and Resolve Missing Dispositions Project. The VSP Central Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE) is the sole repository for criminal history information in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Criminal history information retained in the repository is used for firearm purchase background checks, employment screening and the overall support of criminal justice functions. To retain complete and accurate criminal history information, this project will employ two contract employees to research and apply missing criminal history disposition information and automate criminal history records. Project 3: Modernize Court Interface Project. The Supreme Court of Virginia (SCV), Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) is the provider of electronic criminal court disposition information to the VSP. Under the Modernize Court Interface project, federal funds will be used by the SCV, OES to completely redesign the current court disposition interfaces. This redesign will support the accurate and timely transfer of court disposition information to the VSP to be included on the criminal history record. Project 4:  VSP Court Disposition Interface and Uniform Statute Table (UST) Project. The VSP Court Disposition Interface and UST project will use federal funds to support the development of electronic interfaces between the Criminal and Rap Back Information System (CRIS) and the Supreme Court of Virginia (SCV), Office of the Executive Secretary (OES). The interfaces will support the exchange of criminal court case information and UST charging information between the VSP and SCV, OES.

Date Created: September 18, 2023