Award Information
The Oregon SAC, which is housed at the Criminal Justice Commission, will use FY22 SJS funds towards two projects. One Core Capacity project (Oregon Use of Force) to increase access to statistical data by analyzing and reporting use of force data from Oregon law enforcement agencies. The project will correspond with the state’s need to collect and share information that impacts different areas of the state’s public safety system. The Oregon SAC will release the first state level Oregon Use of Force Report by end of 2023. The second project is a Special Emphasis project (Impact of Drug Possession Offenses on Oregon Recidivism Rates) that will conduct an analysis on the impact of drug possession offenses on Oregon recidivism rates. The study will specifically address the impact of Measure 110, which decriminalizes drug possession offenses, and was effective February 1, 2021. The analysis will also more generally measure the impact of drug possession offenses for cohorts prior to Measure 110, and to the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic on Oregon recidivism rate trends. In addition, the impacts will be presented by race/ethnicity, gender, and county or region. The project will improve the state’s understanding of rates of re-offending, particularly in regards to drug possession offenses, for criminal justice populations. The Oregon SAC will produce a written report detailing the impact of Measure 110 on Oregon recidivism rates and trends by end of 2023.The publication will be made publicly available on the CJC website and will provide data and trend analysis to criminal justice stakeholders, legislators, and the public.