Victimization surveys
Update on the NCVS Instrument Redesign: Operational Pilot Test and Split Sample
Criminal Victimization in the 22 Largest U.S. States, 2017–2019
Measuring and Analyzing Community- and Officer-Initiated Activity: Developing a National Program
Update on the NCVS Instrument Redesign
The Nation’s Two Crime Measures, 2011–2020
Crime Against Persons with Disabilities, 2009–2019 – Statistical Tables
FY 2021 National Census of Victim Service Providers
National Crime Victimization Survey
The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimization. Each year, data are obtained from a nationally representative sample of about 240,000 persons in about 150,000 households. Persons are interviewed on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States.
The NCVS collects information on nonfatal personal crimes (i.e., rape or sexual assault, robbery...