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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

National Inmate Survey (NIS)

FY 2023 National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) Prisons

Closing Date
The National Prison Rape Statistics Program (NPRSP), developed upon passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, entails the collection of both administrative and self report data on sexual violence from State and Federal prisons, locally operated jails, and public and private facilities for juvenile offenders in the nation. The National Inmate Survey (NIS) is one of the data collections developed under the NPRSP...

FY 2023 National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) Jails

Closing Date
The National Prison Rape Statistics Program (NPRSP), developed upon passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, entails the collection of both administrative and self report data on sexual violence from State and Federal prisons, locally operated jails, and public and private facilities for juvenile offenders in the nation. The National Inmate Survey (NIS) is one of the data collections developed under the NPRSP...

FY 2022 National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) Jails

Closing Date
The National Prison Rape Statistics Program (NPRSP), developed upon passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, entails the collection of both administrative and self report data on sexual violence from State and Federal prisons, locally operated jails, and public and private facilities for juvenile offenders in the nation. The National Inmate Survey (NIS) is one of the data collections developed under the NPRSP...

BJS FY 2021 Invited to Apply - National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) 2021-22 - Jails

Closing Date
The National Prison Rape Statistics Program (NPRSP), developed upon passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, entails the collection of both administrative and self report data on sexual violence from State and Federal prisons, locally operated jails, and public and private facilities for juvenile offenders in the nation. The National Inmate Survey (NIS) is one of the data collections developed under the NPRSP...

Public Comments Requested on the Proposed Reinstatement and Update of BJS Data Collection: National Inmate Survey in Jails (NIS-4J)

BJS encourages comments for 60 days until June 8, 2020, on the proposed reinstatement and update of a previously approved data collection: National Inmate Survey in Jails (NIS-4J). Your comments on BJS's request to the Office of Management and Budget, which is published in the Federal Register, should address points such as—

  • whether the proposed data collection is necessary, including whether the information will...

Public Comments Requested on the Proposed Reinstatement and Update of BJS Data Collection: National Inmate Survey in Prisons (NIS-4P)

BJS encourages comments for 60 days until January 31, 2020, on the proposed reinstatement and update of a previously approved data collection: National Inmate Survey in Prisons (NIS-4P). Your comments to BJS's request to the Office of Management and Budget, published in the Federal Register, should address points such as—

  • whether the proposed data collection is necessary, including whether the information will have practical...

National Inmate Survey (NIS-4 Prisons) 2018-19

Closing Date
On September 4, 2003, President George W. Bush signed the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Public Law 108 79). The act requires BJS to carry out, for each calendar year, a comprehensive statistical review and analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape. The act further instructs BJS to collect survey data: the Bureau shall use surveys and other statistical studies of current...

National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) 2019-20 - Jails

Closing Date
On September 4, 2003, President George W. Bush signed the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Public Law 108 79). The act requires BJS to carry out, for each calendar year, a comprehensive statistical review and analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape. The act further instructs BJS to collect survey data: the Bureau shall use surveys and other statistical studies of current...