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Preventing Violence in Schools With Community Policing: An Evaluation Strategy for the Robeson County School Outreach Program, First Findings

NCJ Number
Date Published
July 1994
A program in which a police officer is placed in selected high schools in Robeson County (N.C.) is being evaluated to determine its impact and to develop a list of best practices that can be used in other jurisdictions.

The program aims to create a safe and orderly environment for quality education. Unlike other programs that place uniformed police officers in the schools, the Robeson County School Outreach Program reflects a much more comprehensive policy focus that includes an integration of the police officer's function with those of other agencies. The program represents a community effort to provide juvenile intervention before court action becomes necessary. The evaluation is focusing on four factors: (1) cost effectiveness, (2) the impact on the school climate, (3) the general impact of the program, and (4) the most effective organizational aspects and policies that will help other communities develop similar programs. The evaluation began in April 1994 and will continue until April 1995. The evaluators are currently conducting site visits with program personnel and public school officials throughout North Carolina.

Date Published: July 24, 1994