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Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS), 1981 - California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 1985
This manual describes the development of Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS) and presents the variables and coding information for the data set consisting of the OBTS for California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah for 1981.

The data set provides information on 298,847 cases and 50 variables. It covers offender characteristics and traces patterns of court action and case disposition. All offenders reaching final case disposition during 1980 are included, regardless of the date an offender entered the criminal justice system. Using the adult offender as the unit of analysis, selected information is provided about the offender, the arrest, the prosecution, and court disposition. The data set are available in two formats: card image and OSIRIS. A sample of the machine-readable information appearing for a typical variable and an explanation of each component of the information are provided.

Date Published: March 1, 1985