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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

National Corrections Reporting Program, 1983 - United States

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 1986
This document describes the data collection procedures, variable definitions, and file structure for the 1983 National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP); it also provides the machine-readable codebook for the data file.

The NCRP provides a consistent and comprehensive description of inmates entering and leaving the custody or supervision of State and Federal authorities. Inmate variables covered by the codebook include individual characteristics, admission and prior incarceration data, current offenses and assigned values, prior time served, sentence characteristics, other offenses, time served, and release data. In addition to providing the describing each variable, the codebook specifies variable labels, values, and locations. Appendixes provide (1) State, county, and offense codes, (2) documentation, including a user's guide, coding instructions, and processing specifications, (3) the questionnaire, and (4) frequencies and univariate statistics for prison admissions and releases and parole releases.

Publication Type

Date Published: March 1, 1986