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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Law Enforcement Employees in Wisconsin, 1973-1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 1993
Information on full-time law enforcement employees of Wisconsin is reported.

This report provides basic information on the number of full-time sworn law enforcement employees for selected years between 1973-1992, compares trends in crime and arrests to trends in law enforcement employment, and presents national data on law enforcement employees, crime, and arrests, including 5-year trends regarding the gender of Wisconsin law enforcement employees. Analysis of the data reveals, inter alia, that the number of sworn officers in Wisconsin increased by 30.7 percent; the number of total arrests per officer increased for every law enforcement agency category except that of suburban sheriff's offices; Index crimes and arrests per officer increased steadily in Wisconsin, but remained relatively stable nationwide; and the number of male sworn officers increased by 5.4 percent from 1988 to 1992 while the number of female sworn officers increased by 27.6 percent. A sample Federal Bureau of Investigation survey form and examples of how the statistics may be used by individual law enforcement agencies are provided in appendixes.

Date Published: August 1, 1993