Describes the steps used in the JAG formula calculation process and presents summary results of the FY 2010 formula calculations.
Describes the steps used in the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) formula calculation process and presents summary results of the FY 2010 formula calculations. In total, approximately $457.0 million was allocated for the FY 2010 JAG awards. Funds are distributed to states and localities based on population and violent crime data. In FY 2010, approximately $267.5 million was distributed to the states, $11.1 million to the territories and the District of Columbia, and $174.4 million to local governments.
- The total 2010 allocation for the JAG funding was approximately $457.0 million, of which $445.9 million went to states and $11.1 million to territories and the District of Columbia.
- The five states eligible to receive the largest total state allocation included California ($51.1 million), Texas ($33.9 million), Florida ($30.9 million), New York ($24.8 million), and Illinois ($18.9 million).
- 2,214 local governments were eligible for awards, either directly or through a joint allocation with other governments within their county. The five local governments eligible to receive the largest awards included New York City ($6.4 million), Chicago ($4.9 million), Los Angeles ($3.1 million), Philadelphia ($3.0 million), and Houston ($2.7 million).