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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Households Touched by Crime, 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 1983
A total of 29 percent (24.8 million) of the nation's households were touched by a crime of violence or theft in 1982, a slightly lower percentage than in 1981 (30 percent).

In 1982, households with high incomes, those in central cities, and those headed by blacks continued to be most vulnerable to crime. A fifth of the Nation's households were victimized by larcenies, the most common crime, while 7 percent were victims of attempted or completed burglary, and 6 percent had a member who was a violent crime victim. The percentage of households touched by crimes other than personal larcenies without contact did not fluctuate greatly between 1975-82. Statistical tables, graphs, charts and footnotes are supplied.

Publication Type

Date Published: June 1, 1983