Prosecution data for criminal matters concluded address the number of suspects in such cases, the number and percentage of suspects prosecuted in U.S. district courts, the number and percentage of suspects whom U.S. attorneys declined to prosecute, and the number and percentage of suspects referred to U.S. magistrates. Adjudication data for cases terminated in U.S. district courts cover the number of defendants in such cases, the number and percentage of defendants convicted, and the number and percentage of defendants whose cases were dismissed. Adjudication data for defendants in matters disposed by U.S. magistrates indicate the number and percentage of defendants convicted. Sentencing data on offenders convicted in cases terminated in U.S. district courts encompass the number and percentage of offenders sentenced to prison and the mean length of prison sentences. 17 tables.
Federal Criminal Case Processing, 1980-87
NCJ Number
Date Published
May 1990
Data on case processing in Federal criminal courts for 1980-87 cover initial prosecution decisions, referrals to magistrates, court dispositions, sentencing outcomes, and length of sentences imposed.
Date Published: May 1, 1990