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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Rhode Island NCHIP 2019

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

The goal of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) is to improve the Nation's safety and security by enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information and by insuring the nationwide implementation of criminal justice and noncriminal justice background check systems. BJS provides direct financial and technical assistance to the states to improve criminal history and other related records and to build their infrastructure to connect to national record check systems both to supply information and to conduct the requisite checks.

Under the NCHIP FY 2019 project, the Rhode Island Public Safety Grant Administration Office (RI PSGAO) will use funds to: 1) Retain a portion of the award to conduct program coordination and grant management activities; 2) Contract with the RI State Police Technical Services to purchase and deploy four computer servers and storage devices for the Rhode Island Law Enforcement Telecommunications System; 3) Contract with the RI Attorney General Bureau of Criminal Identification to purchase and deploy five livescan fingerprinting devices to state courthouses. The Department of Corrections will also identify and fingerprint individuals that are already incarcerated in the state prison to update NICS; 4) Contract with the RI Judiciary Office of the State Court Administrator to perform data entry work to update court dispositions. Courts will conduct fifteen overtime sessions during the grant cycle, the District Court anticipates that they will hold seven sessions; and 5) Contract with the RI Department of Corrections to undertake an effort through overtime sessions to address a backlog of cases requiring validation. Staff will screen and verify the approximately 1,150 cases in preparation of data migration to the new sex offender registration database.


Date Created: September 19, 2019