Award Information
The goal of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) is to improve the Nation's safety and security by enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information and by insuring the nationwide implementation of criminal justice and non-criminal justice background check systems. BJS provides direct financial and technical assistance to the states to improve criminal history and other related records and to build their infrastructure to connect to national record check systems both to supply information and to conduct the requisite checks.
The Rhode Island Public Safety Grant Administration Office will use funds to: 1) support court staff efforts to enter disposition data into the criminal history repository; 2) purchase cameras and supplies to photograph individuals on probation to provide more complete criminal history record information in the Department of Correction's Inmate Facility Tracking System, which shares data with state and federal systems; 3) purchase computers and supplies to support the installation of a new sex offender registry server and establish dedicated sex offender registry workstations; and, 4) purchase and install a Livescan unit in the Office of the Attorney General to assist in the processing of an increasing volume of biometric data for both criminal and civil purposes. A small portion of funding will also support the NCHIP Grant Administrator's salary.