Award Information
The Iowa Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) is using FY23 SJS funds for one Core Capacity projects and three Special Emphasis projects.
The Core Capacity project will enhance the Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP). The Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol or “SPEP™” is a validated, data-driven assessment scheme for determining the effectiveness of an intervention program that aims to reduce the recidivism of juvenile offenders. Full implementation of the SPEP™ allows juvenile justice systems to evaluate their service array, focus service-related data collection on features related to the expected effectiveness of those services, and develop deeper partnerships with providers as part of a service improvement effort. Both qualitative and quantitative aspects are evaluated by working with providers and case management data.
One Special Emphasis Capacity Building project includes Category B Conducting Targeted Analyses that use the State’s Criminal History Record. This first project will be a new project in partnership with the IDOC, IWD, and the DOE. Quantitative and qualitative data will be analyzed to determine if post-secondary education in correctional institutions has an effect on job readiness, securing employment, income levels, and recidivism.
The second Special Emphasis Capacity Building Project, Category B, enhances existing efforts, which have received BJS support. An Evaluation of IDOC’s Workforce Development Programs will focus on the evaluation and outcomes assessment of two IDOC programs: Iowa Prison Industries and Tech2 Connect. Outcomes include indicators for success, which will be identified during the program evaluation, and recidivism rates will be assessed using criminal history records.
The last project is proposed under the Special Emphasis Capacity Building Project, Category A, An Assessment of Iowa Law Enforcement and Community Mental Health Models. It proposes to complete an analysis of a law enforcement survey conducted by CJJP. Additionally, it proposes to conduct a process and outcome evaluation of two programs: Marshalltown Police and Community Team (MPACT) and Ames Alternative Responses for Community Health (ARCH). A cost-benefit analysis of these models will be performed. The projects proposed in this year’s 2023 SJS SAC grant will help Iowa to build capacity, enhance the utilization of existing data exchanges, and will contribute to enhanced knowledge of programs and policies for use locally and nationally.