Award Information
The Nebraska SAC seeks to implement a recidivism study for its criminal justice partners and the general public. The SAC will examine recidivism patterns of convicted offenders for numerous periods. Areas examined will include the recidivism patterns for specific types of offenders/offenses and analyses that includes different covariates. The Systems and Research Division is the first study to directly use the Justice Data Transformation System (JDTS), a previously SJS funded application that links all offender points in the state criminal justice system. The SAC conducted a survey to determine which research analysis would be performed with this application. This research project was initiated so it can be replicated and become an annual deliverable from the SAC. The output from the study will be published on the SAC’s website. This proposal will bring all agency partners data sources together for the purposes of applied data integration, this includes creating varying degrees of cohorts examined over varying degrees of time.