Award Information
The Wisconsin SAC will use FY22 SJS funds to enhance the ability to evaluate the quality and completeness of reported drug arrests, hate crimes, LEOKA, tribal crime, and human trafficking in Wisconsin Incident-Based Reporting (WIBRS) data to support evidence-based decision making for law enforcement, policy makers and the community. The 18 month project will use a multi-faceted approach: testing the linking capabilities between CCH and WIBRS and auditing specific areas of interest in WIBRS data. To assess the linking capabilities between CCH and WIBRS arrest records, the SAC will begin with reviewing drug arrests in CCH and determining how the arrest/incident should appear in WIBRS. A matching algorithm will be used to link arrests from CCH with arrest records in WIBRS by incident number, arrest date, arrestee demographics, or other fields that are available. An assessment for completeness will then be conducted, and the process will be repeated for other types of offenses. The Wisconsin SAC will also use SJS funds to use CCH and use of force data to identify incidents of specific areas of interest (human trafficking, hate crimes, LEOKA, and crimes committed on tribal land) and to conduct a detailed review of WIBRS data in those areas, including reviewing incident reports matching incident numbers from CCH and the Wisconsin Use-of-Force program to determine if the corresponding WIBRS incident was submitted accurately.