Award Information
The Arizona SAC (AZSAC), housed within the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (ACJC), will use FY22 SJS funds to support one Special Emphasis project: Criminal Drug Case Outcomes and Sentencing Research in Arizona Using Court Administrative Data; and two Core Capacity projects: Collection and Analysis of Arizona Law Enforcement Use-of-Force Data; and Using Business Intelligence Software to Publicly Disseminate Criminal Justice-Related Data and Information. The Criminal Drug Case Outcomes and Sentencing Research will analyze court data and provide the findings to researchers and the public. The AZSAC will create an automated data exchange between the AZSAC and the Arizona Administrative Office of the Courts (AZAOC) leading to drug case outcome and sentencing research to help in policy making decisions. For the Use-of-Force project the AZSAC will build a publicly available, comprehensive law enforcement use-of-force data repository and use the data for T-SQL querying and analyses to meet state legislative mandates. For the Publicly Disseminate Criminal Justice Related Data project, the AZSAC will build the technical capacity at the AZSAC to 1) script T-SQL queries, 2) connect Tableau to the SQL results, and 3) develop Tableau dashboards targeting three criminal justice-related data collection efforts.