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Establishing National Fingerprint File participation with the FBI, advancing ACIC's Open Disposition Collection and Repository Dashboard Projects.

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $717,000)

Under this award, the Arkansas Crime information Center (ACIC) plans to continue its contract with the vendor, Inquiries Screening to visit circuit and district courts throughout the State of Arkansas to evaluate and collect dispositions, then forward them to the ACIC repository for entry into the state and national databases. To date, Inquiries Screening has collected over 25,000 dispositions for ACIC. The proposed project requires the vendor to complete open record disposition searches for 12,000 records at the cost of $18.50/per completed record.
Previously, ACIC received FY2019 NCHIP funding for a computerized criminal history (CCH) prototype dashboard and business intelligence (BI) and data analytics tool that is used to monitor workflows, timeliness of reporting and data quality within the state’s repository. Phase 1 is scheduled to be completed in 2021. This is a work in progress and the capabilities of the prototype tools delivered in phase 1 will be enhanced and expanded in phase 2. This includes enabling the analysis of data contained in the agency’s suspense file, and automating the data loading process. The BI tool will be boosted to enable users to automatically publish specific analysis results to one or more dashboards that could be intended for multiple audiences. The goal of this phase 2 work is to progress the ability to continuously monitor the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of records maintained by the CCH repository to identify areas for progress or technical improvements.
ACIC will also contract with the vendor, Idemia and use the services of a senior technical lead and a senior applications developer to modify and update the agency’s code and correlation report to become NFF compliant. Tasks will include: 1) contacting the FBI for additional information pertaining to the correlation report; 2) developing a NFF detailed scope; 3) submitting correlation reports to IT for data import; 4) mapping of the data fields from report with SQL table starts; 5) writing scripts to run for the comparison based on data mapping; 6) determining what data is not matching with the comparison between the FBI data and ACIC data; and, 7) testing and ensuring the front-end site identifies all data.

Date Created: October 18, 2021