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Washington State Patrol FY 2021 NCHIP

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $1,341,939)

Under this award, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) will use funds to research missing dispositions and to provide guidance and recommendations to local agencies in improving CHRI accuracy and completeness; enhance new criminal history records database by making programming enhancements to improve the applications under development in response to changes in business requirements, improvements in data available from state courts, and better understanding of the inherent capabilities of the new applications. Additionally, the WSP Criminal Records Division, ACCESS Section will use funds to purchase and deploy a new user interface (UI) for criminal justice agencies (CJAs) with terminal connections to NCIC via the Washington State Switch. Lastly, the WSP will sub-award funds to purchase Livescan equipment and accessories, to research case depositions in the City of Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office and Tukwila Police Department and reduce the backlog of Concealed Pistol License (CPL) and pistol transfer applications in King County.

Date Created: October 19, 2021