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Florida's National Criminal History Improvement Program, FY 2021

Award Information

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Competitive Discretionary
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Under this award, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement will use funds for two project – Biometric Identification System (BIS) Modernization and Computerized Criminal History System Modifications.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will modernize the BIS by converting the system to a cloud-based solution. The current system is nearing its end of life and is projected to exceed its capacity for records storage, matching and support of additional workstations by 2022. The BIS acts as a central repository and matching mechanism for the state’s biometric data, including fingerprints and palm prints. BIS fingerprint repository is used to identify persons booked in jail; for Rapid ID checks (roadside instant checks to verify identity); and for those persons who undergo fingerprint-based criminal history checks for working with vulnerable populations or concealed weapons license. BIS also submits criminal biometric data to the FBI to be used in nationwide latent and background checks. The modernization will result in enhanced storage and processing capacity, create a disaster recovery system and add additional biometric capabilities.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will continue to make CCH modifications. The CCH system requires continuous, minor modifications, enhancements, and/or updates to add or change functionality with disposition, firearm, biometric identification systems, and other related applications that interface or use CCH. Programming and maintenance to CCH ensures these ancillary applications are able to communicate with and retrieve information from the CCH and maintain business workflows. In addition, CCH programming and maintenance helps ensure the availability of NICS disqualifying records available via Interstate Identification Index (III) and increases the percent of potentially disqualifying records containing the necessary final court dispositions.

Date Created: September 29, 2021